Nuvolaris CLI

Nuvolaris offers a powerful command line interface named nuv which extends and embeds the OpenWhisk wsk.

You can download it from here.

We can see here some advanced uses of nuv.

Nuvolaris access is usually configure logging into it with the nuv -login.

You can also configure access directly using the nuv -wsk command.

There are two required properties to configure:

  1. API host (name or IP address) for the OpenWhisk and Nuvolaris deployment you want to use.

  2. Authorization key (username and password) which grants you access to the OpenWhisk and Nuvolaris API.

The API host ia the installationj host, the one you configure in installation with nuv config apihost

nuv -wsk property set --apihost <openwhisk_baseurl>

If you know your authorization key, you can configure the CLI to use it. Otherwise, you will need to obtain an authorization key for most CLI operations. The API key is visible in the file ~/.wskprops after you perform a nuv -login. This file can be sourced to be read as environment variables.

source ~/.wskprops
nuv -wsk property set --auth $AUTH

Tip: The OpenWhisk and Nuvolaris CLI stores properties in the ~/.wskprops configuration file by default. The location of this file can be altered by setting the WSK_CONFIG_FILE environment variable.

The required properties described above have the following keys in the .wskprops file:

  • APIHOST - Required key for the API host value.

  • AUTH - Required key for the Authorization key.

To verify your CLI setup, try nuv action list.

Configure the CLI to use an HTTPS proxy

The CLI can be setup to use an HTTPS proxy. To setup an HTTPS proxy, an environment variable called HTTPS_PROXY must be created. The variable must be set to the address of the HTTPS proxy, and its port using the following format: {PROXY IP}:{PROXY PORT}.

Configure the CLI to use client certificate

The CLI has an extra level of security from client to apihost, system provides default client certificate configuration which deployment process generated, then you can refer to below steps to use client certificate:

nuv -wsk property set --cert <client_cert_path> --key <client_key_path>