Provision a Linux Server in Google Cloud

You can provision a server suitable to install Nuvolaris in cloud provider Google Cloud Platform (GCP) as follows:

  1. install the GCloud CLI

  2. configure GKE

  3. provision a server

  4. retrieve the ip address to configure a DNS name

Once you have Linux server up and running you can proceed configuring and installing Nuvolaris.

Installing the GCloud CLI

Our cli nuv uses under the hood the GCloud CLI version 2, so you need to dowload and install it following those instructions.

Once installed, ensure it is available on the terminal executing the following command:

gcloud version

you should receive something like this:

` Google Cloud SDK 443.0.0 beta 2023.08.11 bq 2.0.96 bundled-python3-unix 3.9.16 core 2023.08.11 gcloud-crc32c 1.0.0 gke-gcloud-auth-plugin 0.5.5 gsutil 5.25 `

Enabling gcloud services

You need to enable the following permissions for Google Cloud

gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable resourcemanager.projects.delete

Configuring GKE to provision a server

Before you can provision a Linux server you have to configure AWS typing the command:

nuv config gcloud

The system will then ask the following questions:

*** Please, specify GCloud Project Id and press enter.
*** Please, specify GCloud Zone and press enter.
To get a list of valid values use:
  gcloud compute zones list

Just press enter for default [us-east1-d]:

*** Please, specify GCloud virtual machine type and press enter.
To get a list of valid values, use:
  gcloud compute machine-types list

Just press enter for default [n2-standard-4]:

*** Please, specify GCloud disk size in gigabyte and press enter.
Just press enter for default [200]:

*** Please, specify GCloud public SSH key and press enter.
If you already have a public SSH key provide its path here. If you do not have it, generate a key pair with the following command:
The public key defaults to ~/.ssh/

Just press enter for default [/home/ubuntu/.ssh/]:

Provision a server

You can provision one or more servers using nuv. The servers will use the parameters you have just configured.

You can create a new server with:

nuv cloud gcloud vm-create <server-name>

Replace <server-name> with a name you choose, for example nuvolaris-server

The command will create a new server in Google CLoud with the parameters you specified in configuration.

You can also:

  1. list servers you created with nuv cloud gcloud vm-list

  2. delete a server you created and you do not need anymore with nuv cloud gcloud vm-delete <server-name>

Retrieve IP

The server will be provisioned with an IP address assigned by Google Cloud.

You can read the IP address of your server with

nuv cloud gcloud vm-getip <server-name>

You need this IP when configuring a DNS name for the server.